The Committee noted that the Parliament of Slovenia had ratified the Hallmarking Convention. Slovenia was thus expected to join the Convention within the next few months. The Committee also discussed a report on the inspection visit carried out by a Delegation to Sri Lanka in July 2008. An official reply by Sri Lanka to the Delegation's recommendations was awaited before the application could be processed further. Italy signalled an interest in the Convention's membership.
The Committee noted that the ratification of the 2001 Amendment to the Convention was now in the final stage of ratification. 15 out of 18 Contracting States have ratified the amendment.
Members of the Committee informally agreed on introducing majority voting on a number of issues. For the time being, all decisions and recommendations must be taken by consensus. A formal amendment of the Committee's Rules of Procedures will be presented at the next meeting. The amendment of the Convention, of the Convention's Annexes as well as technical decisions will remain subject to unanimous voting.
The Committee noted that at its last congress in Dubai in April 2008, the World Jewellery Confederation (CIBJO) had adopted a Precious Metals Blue Book, which was mainly based on the Convention's annexes.
The Committee agreed to reconvene in Geneva (Switzerland) on 30 March 2009. The meeting was followed by a meeting of the International Association of Assay Offices as well as a meeting of the Convention's Standing Technical Group.